The southeast facade is inspired by the format of the original test-data prototype card designed by Herman Hollerith in 1886 as a “test signal” for his newly invented Tabulating Machine. The first significant application of this punch card format occurred four years later with the 1890 US Census. Hollerith’s company would go on to become IBM.
The southwest facade is inspired by the standardized punch card format introduced by IBM in 1928 and widely used for over 50 years thereafter. It featured rectangular holes, 80 columns with 12 punch locations each, one character per column, and became the global standard for punch card formatting.
The color design of Cirrostratus is inspired by the high-level clouds of the same name and the multi-colored prismatic effects of light reflection and refraction that they display. The distinct effect of cirrostratus clouds defines the unique signature of the costal Southern California sky, producing a color palate of sunlight not found anywhere else in the world.
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Locations & Date
Los Angeles, CA, US